Sunday, April 12, 2009

Resurrection Cookies

Katie and I decided to take Angela's challenge and come up with something special to do for Easter. We have dyed Easter eggs for the past several years, and this year I decided to do something a little different with Katie. I wanted it to be something special where we could talk about the Easter story as we worked together on a project. So, we decided to make some Resurrection cookies.

First I had Katie beat some pecans with a wooden spoon. We talked about how Jesus was arrested and beaten by the soldiers.
Here Katie is smelling the vinegar. The vinegar represents what Jesus was given to drink as he was dying on the cross.
Next, we added some egg whites to the vinegar. The eggs represnt life, and we talked about how Jesus gave His life for us.
I then sprinkled some salt into Katie's hand and let her taste it. She didn't think it tasted very good. But the salt represents the salty tears that were shed by Jesus' followers.

We then added a cup of sugar to our unappetizing concoction. We talked about how the sweetest part of the whole story is that Jesus loved us so much that He died on the cross for our sins.
Here Katie is beating all of the ingredients together. We then talked about how the color white represents purity, and that Jesus forgives us of all our sins and washes us white as snow.
Next, we added the pecans.
We dropped the "cookies" onto a cookie sheet. Each mound represents the tomb where Jesus' body was laid.

We then sealed the "tomb".
The next morning this is what we had.....
We broke the cookies open, and they were hollow inside. We talked about how Jesus' body was placed in the tomb, but 3 days later he rose from the dead. The cookies represent the empty tomb.
Thanks for the challenge Angela. Katie, Jeremy and I had fun making our resurrection cookies. It was a good learning/teaching experience for Katie. The cookies are edible, but I wouldn't want to eat more than a couple of bites of one. They are pretty sweet.

1 comment:

Jill said...

That is AWESOME! I think I will do that with Rachel next year! Love your picture diary. That was GREAT!!