Saturday, January 31, 2009

Ice Storm & Still No Power

We have been without power since Wednesday due to the ice storm that swept through Northwest Arkansas. I'm really quite surprised that we made it until Wednesday morning without losing power since we live in the middle of the woods. On Tuesday, Katie went to work with me since she didn't have school. We ended up leaving my office at about 2:00 because we lost power at work. We stopped by Jeremy's office and picked him up and all ended up driving home together. It's a good thing we did because about a half a mile before we got to our house we had to get out of our car and walk the rest of the way home. There was a huge tree that had fallen over and was blocking the road. You should have seen the three of us walking home in the ice. We tried to stay in the middle of the road so none of us were hit by the falling tree branches that were breaking all around us. Jeremy ended up going back up to the car with his chain saw and clearing a path. All three of us ended up sleeping in our bed Tuesday night. I didn't want Katie sleeping in her room by herself since we have so many trees around our house. We heard tree branches breaking and falling all night long. It sounded like we were in the middle of a war zone, and it literally looks like a bomb has been dropped over Northwest Arkansas.
We lost power on Wednesday morning and have been staying with the Langhams at night--thank God they have power. Our friendship has been pressed while staying at their house, mostly because Jill continually makes a point of reminding us of what an inconvenience we are to them (Jeremy wrote that sentence). We finally got power back at my office late Thursday afternoon, so I was able to go back to work on Friday.
It just saddens me to look around and see all these trees that are completely destroyed. The peach orchard that is near our house looks terrible. Katie has been praying for the peach trees because she absolutely loves peaches. I pray that we get our electricity back soon. We've been told maybe by Sunday.....I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Here are some pictures taken near our house.

1 comment:

Jill said...

Jeremy, you are such a goob!