Monday, January 19, 2009

Trip to VA

It's been a couple of weeks since I posted something new--life has just been a little crazy lately. We took a whirlwind trip to Virginia last weekend to see Jeremy's granddad who is very sick. We were so blessed to have such a good visit with him. He is such a remarkable man, and I'm so lucky that he played such a vital role in Jeremy's life. I know he has helped shape Jeremy into the man that he is today. He truly has been in a blessing in our lives, and we were so blessed to be able to spend a few days with him. Here are some pictures from our visit. Jeremy and his granddad.
Katie and great granddad.

Katie and great grandma.

Katie with grandma and great granddad.

Katie and crazy grandpa.

1 comment:

First Grade Teacher said...

Katie looks like she had fun with Bill and Susan. I am at the hospital right now waiting to get blood work done and then doing the ultrasound again. Love you guys.