It's that time of year again when most people makes some sort of New Year's resolution that most people end up breaking within the first few weeks of the new year. I'm not one that is big on making New Year's resolutions but this year Jeremy and I decided to make some resolutions as a family. We actually did fill out the "1 thing" form from church, and we are hoping to stick to some of the resolutions that we have made. My personal goal this year is to run the Hogeye Marathon. I ran the half marathon two years ago, and started training for the actual marathon last year but ran into some major problems with my knee that kept me from being able to run the race. So this year I'm praying I'm going to be able to accomplish this dream of mine. Jeremy, on the other hand, has a personal goal of not running the marathon with me--I think he's just scared that I'd beat him. When we asked Katie what she'd like to accomplish this year she said she'd like to build a snowman. So, we're hoping God will give us enough snow in the next couple of months for us to be able to help her build a snowman.
Proof that we actually did make some resolutions this year.
Something that I started doing last year which has been a real blessing in my life is to keep a prayer journal. Jeremy has decided that he's going to start one this year. This morning I went to get my prayer journal for the new year and Katie asked me if she could have one as well. I explained to her that I wrote prayers/letters in my journal to God, and she said that she wanted to write letters to God everyday too. So, I found her an extra joural that I had and she has started the journaling process as well. Here's a picture of her first letter to God.

We're asking God to do something pretty big things in our lives this year. We're expecting and believing that God is going to give us a miracle and sell our house for us. It's going to take something supernatural in order for this to happen but we believe that nothing is impossible with God. So, whoever reads this blog please continue to pray that God will give us our miracle this year.